How to stay immune & avoid serious illness


There are unprecedented numbers of people being severely affected by viral infections this season and in some most critical ways. It begs the question … why?

There are some things that affect the immune system that many health professionals won’t tell you. The world we live in has a big focus on the external threats and horrors as well as excessive mental activity. This can create a deficit in the area of body intelligence that is crucial for good health. It is not our mind that fights illness, and it is not the environment that is responsible for our health, it is our body. Bacteria, viruses, moulds, fungus and other “pathogens” are always going to exist, it is up to us to listen to our body to ensure we stay immune to them. Our bodies have innate immune system functions that allow us to eat, sleep, drink, rest and restore in a way that helps us to ward off infections and illness. When we are not listening to the body and over-riding its wisdom for healing, we are putting ourself at risk. The more we ignore our body’s wisdom and our body’s needs, the more stress we put on the body and reduce our resilience in the face of further stress - be that physical, environmental, mental or emotional.

Here are a few more easy strategies for staying well.

  • Primarily the key is to hear and address your body’s needs.


  • Nourish your body with plenty of hydrating fluids and a balanced diet. Processed foods, sugar, trans fats (eg. deep fried foods) are all compromising to the immune system. A simple whole foods diet, high in brightly coloured vegetables and including herbs and spices is the nourishment your body needs for immunity.

  • Gut health is of primary importance for maintaining a good immune system. Over-eating or consuming excessive amounts of alcohol or sugar can disturb the gut microbiome and digestion. A high fibre diet can help to provide your gut the resources for a balanced microbiome. Stress and anxiety can also impair your body’s ability to digest food which will in turn upset the gut health, causing bloating, inflammation and food sensitivities. In my clinical practice I have found that many people have food sensitivities without realising it, and when we address the gut health and the body’s ability to rest and digest, the immune system and state of wellbeing improves immensely.

  • Vitamin D is super important for immune system health and the best way to get vitamin D is to spend some time in the sun. 10 minutes per day is generally enough for vitamin D production.


  •  The lymphatic system is a very important part of immunity as it helps to eliminate toxins from the body. Embrace a movement practice every day to support your body’s ability to eliminate toxins and improve circulation and oxygenation to nourish every cell. Try exercises such as walking, swimming, dance, Qi Gong, Tai chi, Yoga or any other movement practice that gives you a sense of wellbeing.

  • The liver is also and important organ for detoxifying and supporting the immune system so treat it like your best friend. Don’t be too hard on it with your dietary intake and the amount of chemicals you expose it to. Don’t let yourself get excessively stressed because your liver is going to have to process all those stress hormones. They are considered toxins. This can become quite a burden to detoxify when added to the job of processing all the toxins that what we are exposed to in the environment.


  • Make sure you are getting enough quality sleep.
    An average of 8 hours a day is usually enough however everybody is different with their needs and sometimes in our life we need more sleep than usual. Quality sleep means having periods of at least 4 hours of unbroken sleep. This is essential for your body to move through all the sleep phases and be able to restore itself.

  • Practice relaxation such as meditation or breathing practices. This will help your body move out of the active fight/flight type of nervous system function and into a rest, digest and restore nervous system function, which powers our organs for health and healing.


  • Be sure to engage in pleasurable and joyful activities such as spending time with hobbies, in nature and connecting with the people who make you feel loved. The endorphins and wellbeing body chemicals we get from these activities are helpful for the immune system.

  • Negativity and attacking thoughts on yourself such as self criticism and guilt have been scientifically proven to undermine the immune system. A focus on loving and caring for yourself and your body is a lot more effective in supporting your immune system than what you might have imagined. Our heart chakra energy provides a huge support for our immune system functions, so maintain connection with your heart, self compassion and things you love.