Navigating the Evolution of the Soul

There is a phenomenon happening for myself and for many of my clients at the moment.  It is marked by inner perturbations, exhaustion, melt downs and various physical and emotional challenges.  These symptoms can appear rather mystifying, especially when so much attention and energy has already been invested in healing.  I have learnt a lot through muscle testing over the past 24 years, which sheds light on such mystifying occasions.  One thing I know about the process of evolution of the soul is that it highlights the patterns, emotions, attitudes, thoughts and aspects of the self which need to be released in order for a greater expression of the true self.  When this happens, we hit up against the unconscious and conscious obstacles and the inner conflicts and outdated programs.  At this point they can become very obvious and disturbing.  This discomfort moves us into surrendering and finding new ways of operating.  Sometimes this requires action, and sometimes it requires no action, other than surrender and trust.  It always requires acceptance and awareness.  When we realise and accept the truth of the body and soul’s callings, we can respond with loving right action.

Every time there is a transition in life or process of evolving, there can be a de-stabilising and re-stabilising effect.  This was the reason for me publishing my book Melting Moments. I had recognised the numbers of times my body and soul had experienced this dismemberment, a type of death and re-birth.   I knew that I was not alone and wanted to share with others the magic that occurs in this place of discomfort.  The section in my book titled Rebuilding and Restructuring gives some perspectives on this.  The Reflection process - Imaginings wanted and Unwanted helps to cultivate awareness to support yourself in times of transition.

Another recommendation I have for these moments is to get yourself a copy of Clarissa Pinkola Estes book, Women who run with the Wolves.  She introduced me to the concept of psychological phases of development.  For females, development tends to run in 7 year cycles.   This book is highly recommended for any woman who wishes to be nourished and supported with the power of story and wisdom.

The 7 year cycles are helpful to consider when you hit those moments in life where you feel a bit out of synch or like you are grating your own gears.  These phases aren’t necessarily tied to the age bracket as every female uniquely moves through her life in her own unique way. They can offer new insights and peaceful acceptance of your process. They represent how women move through changes in attitudes, tasking and values. I have found they have helped me to make sense of my life and to focus myself in the best possible way.

0-7 Age of the body and dreaming/socialization, yet retaining imagination

7-14 Age of separating yet weaving together reason and the imaginal

14-21 Age of new body/young maidenhood/unfurling yet protecting sensuality

21-28 Age of new world/new life/exploring the worlds

28-35 Age of the mother/learning to mother others and self

35-42 Age of the seeker/learning to mother self/seeking the self

42-49 Age of early crone/finding the far encampment/giving courage to others

49-56 Age of the underworld/learning the words and rites

56-63 Age of choice/choosing one’s world and the work yet to be done

63-70 Age of becoming watchwoman/recasting all one has learned

70-77 Age of re-youthanization/more cronedom

77-84 Age of the mist beings/finding more big in the small

84-91 Age of weaving with the scarlet thread/understanding the weaving of life

91-98 Age of the ethereal/less to saying, more to being

98-105 Age of pneuma, the breath

105 + Age of timelessness

Currently I am midway through the phase of early cronedom and finding the far encampment.  In this time I am finding I need more space and time for cultivating connection with the spiritual world that sustains me and supports me in giving courage to others.  I am usually so very proficient in the practical aspects of life and managing a business, yet lately my brain and heart are sending me in another direction, and the practical everyday activities have become increasingly difficult.  Rather than fight this, I have decided to go with it, and I am taking a 6 week sabbatical from my work and business.

From the 13th of March I will be offline and will be offering my clients a host of alternatives for support and healing while I am out.  One of these will be an online membership that gives access to a whole range of courses, tools and strategies for self healing and supporting the body, heart and soul.  This is a culmination of the last 20 years of my clinical experience and research.  I am opening the vault on my healing toolbox and making my healing knowledge available through this membership site.

The Macquarie dictionary gives the definition of the crone as ‘an old woman, especially one who is withered in appearance and disagreeable in nature’.  This amused me and reminds me that knowledge that comes from a book is nothing without lived experience and wisdom.  I am grateful to all the women who have shared their experience and wisdom through navigating this early crone phase.  Discussing the challenges and the gifts for this time has been a soul nurturing experience for me and in the process I get to witness the true colours of some amazing women in my life.  I will be sure to include many experiential learning opportunities for people to deepen their connection with their own body and soul wisdom in the membership tools I am offering.

I hope to re-surface from my sabbatical with a deep and wholesome connection with life that serves myself and others in a greater way. On that note, I invite you all to deepen your connection with the wisdom and strength that has been cultivated through your years of experience and your unique soul’s learnings in the process.  This is what fortifies us to continue growing in spirit.  It can be a fun and illuminating experience to look back at your life through the above 7 year cycles, and reflect on what fortified you in that time.

Soul Nurturing blessings from Simone

Reference: Clarissa Pinkola Estes (1992) Women who run with the wolves, Ballantine Books, New York, p. 484-485