Unveiling the Soul

So often people say to me after a Kinesiology consultation “I don’t know what you did, but I feel better.”  Initially this surprised and disturbed me. I wondered if I had been neglectful with involving this person, despite the fact that I thought that I had been educating, listening and responding in an inclusive manner. It really mattered to me that people were informed and felt empowered in the process of healing.  In time I have come to be at peace and accepting of this statement, as it represents the fact that the mind did not get in the way of healing.  The mind can impose bias and judgement and therefore interfere with the surrender process, which is essential for healing and returning to the wisdom of the soul.  Many of our obstacles to healing and a state of peace and comfort, lie within the unconscious and the body memory.  Kinesiology is the best tool I know for supporting the body and the unconscious to release unhelpful patterns and bias, and become more attuned to the power and divinity of the soul.

Our modern day culture holds some very strong views about what is medicine and what is not medicine, and what contributes to health and what does not.  Much of this knowledge is based on science and statistics and is viewing the body merely from a biological and chemical frame of reference. From what I have seen, there is never a study that proves something to be 100 percent effective for 100 percent of people.  Human life is dynamic and ever changing, operating with a multitude of compounding and confounding factors.  When considering health and medicine, the energetics or thought, attitude and emotion alongside the spiritual aspects of the expressions of the soul are commonly ignored.  Yet these energetic forces have huge consequences on psychological and physiological health.  Because of our uniqueness formed by these energetic forces, every human is so individual in the way they respond to different treatments, whether that be modern day medicine or complimentary therapies or traditional medicine.

And paradoxically, we are all so very connected.  Humanity has a shared experience with the main themes of healing that arise throughout the course of time.  With every challenge that arises for us, be that physically or psychologically, there is a common opportunity inherent in the way that we are able to learn and evolve as a soul.  This past week or two I have seen most of my clients very much aware of, and wishing to transcend challenges associated with being around others, or working with others, and particularly in family relations. A common tendency that has arisen for clients is associated with the Bach flower remedy Impatiens, for when there is frustrations and impatience with others.  Additionally the Australian bush flower remedy Dog Rose has been a common remedy required.  It helps us to be able to take on challenges with confidence, express freely, and feel more at ease with others.

Many of my clients have explored a range of modalities by the time they find me.  There is nothing wrong with this.  This is the nature of the healing journey.  Different practitioners can give us different pieces of the puzzle and along the way you get to choose what feels right.  There is an innate wisdom in us which guides us to such opportunities, so that we can personally learn and experience what benefits.  It may not always be aligned with what the mind may think to be appropriate, or what the science says to be an absolute.  This is the joy of the soul’s journey and the soul’s expression - exploring a variety or experiences in order to find what feels true.

Having recently discovered the works and teachings of Rupert Spira, I have felt blessed to find some more words and simple explanations for healing.  His principles are very much aligned with how I work with Kinesiology and massage.  In his book ‘You are the happiness you seek’ he explains that physical pain and suffering arise from the body’s need.  This is exactly what I explore with muscle testing.  The body gives feedback through a muscle test, a structural imbalance, a physical pain etc., to demonstrate there is an imbalance and therefore a need.  This can be the need to release a toxin such as a heavy metal or pathogen (virus, bacteria, parasite, mould etc.)  It may also be the need for a particular nutrient, or the need to release tension from a muscle or from the spine.  It can also be the need to release a thought pattern, attitude or emotional trauma.

The body is just one aspect of suffering that can be experienced.  We also have psychological suffering. According to Rupert, “psychological suffering arises on behalf of the belief that we are a separate and independently existing self.” P 91  I have seen this so many times in my own self and in others.  Through the forgetting that we are so intimately connected with awareness/oneness and through forgetting that there is so much support available on this spiritual level, a huge amount of stress arises in the psychology, the neurological functioning and behavioural tendencies.  Psychological perceptions born from our upbringing, alongside cultural belief systems and our own personal tendencies can become quite fixated and ‘sticky’ in the way we operate and see the world.  Kinesiology offers many ways to release the stickiness of the stories, emotions, thoughts, identifications and associations that veil the truth of the soul.  In Rupert’s words, “Each time we face our current experience with this attitude of openness and surrender, we are, without realising it, undermining and gradually eroding the subliminal store of tendencies and preferences that lies in the depths of our mind.  Likewise, every time we allow our responses and action to be governed by this subliminal layer, we are strengthening it and setting ourself up for unhappiness in the future.” P 113 He invites us to simply step back into the “I am” awareness and not become identified or stuck in the thought, emotion, story, etc. This “I am” can also be defined as the essential being, the oneness, the higher self, the divine self.

In conclusion, to have a felt sense of what feels better, and to have an intimate connection with the essential being, the soul, we can navigate ourselves more gracefully along the journey of healing.  To continue to listen to the body and its needs, we contribute to a greater level of awareness, which guides us so beautifully through this life. 

Simone is available for Kinesiology or Kahuna massage appointments to support you in this process on Fridays and Saturdays at Bridgetown.   Kinesiology appointments are available online Mondays and Tuesdays.  Get in touch with Simone by email or phone for enquiries or bookings. info@soulnurturing.com.au 0427 320 302