Balancing Organisation & Flow


I would like you to meet “The Organiser”.  She lives in my head and has a prime position there because she is a bit like the CEO of my life.  (Well at least she thinks she is, but we won’t shatter her dreams just yet.  That story is coming)

My organiser has been very busy at the moment managing more departments than usual and so she certainly is fired up with all the organising that needs to be done.  She has been overseeing all the small business matters - managing client bookings, scheduling and preparing for Nia classes, learning dance routines, and then overseeing and tending to household chores such as shopping, food preparation, cleaning, washing. Then there is the everyday duties of responding to email, Facebook, text message, phone message and face to face communications.  The usual stuff.  On top of this she has some work arrangements that she has been organising for a trip to Merredin and Southern cross for the months to come as well as organising to go away for a wedding which requires a business related visit along the way.  She thought she was doing a mighty fine job in the way she had stepped up to the plate and was working so well with her modern day organising app and online calendar… until yesterday.

Meanwhile, she has a partner in the business who we will call “Flow”.  Flow is not into structure and organisation at all and is quite happy to simply go along with things.  She is really quite playful and knows how to milk the joy of every moment.  She thrives on spontaneity and is attuned to the unfolding of the great mystery of life.  She is someone who I have been intentionally spending time getting to know and listening to her more and more lately.  In fact, in Nia classes this month we have been dancing with the intention of flow and it has been feeling very supportive and nurturing.  Now back to yesterday.  It seems that “The Organiser” went on strike, or was perhaps burnt out because she was uncontactable on several occasions when asked a question.   After sitting in a car for a few hours with plenty of time for reflection, I noticed that she forgot to pack the dress to wear to the wedding and she has left for her trip a day early and does not have a plan for the following day and night.  Secretly, I think “Flow” might have instigated all of this because A) I have been wanting to get a new dress for a while and B) It is about time “Flow” got a bit more of a look in.  So  “Flow” is going to have a lot of fun with this and I trust in her to find that dress before the wedding (even though I have no idea where I am going to find a shop that sells a dress that will fit me, let alone one that I like.  Most of what I have seen for this trip is wheat fields and bushland in the great southern)  I put my faith in Flow for accommodation and an itinerary and I am giving “The Organiser” a well deserved break.

This whole event interested me so much because my specialisation in Kinesiology is in Brain Integration and supporting neurological function and intuition.  This is a fascinating arena to work in and gives potency to our existence in life.  The Brain and Nervous System is the interface between our spirit and our physical existence which don’t always work together so well.  I support the body and soul need to work together to achieve to be able to move through the ups and downs of life and achieve your heart’s desires and highest potential.

If you feel you are going into melt down or have anxiety or overwhelm with all that you need to juggle in your life, Kinesiology is a wonderful modality for addressing this.  There are many techniques for supporting neurological function and helping people to get out of fight/flight/escape/anxiety types of patterns and be able to access more of the higher levels of brain function which allow for multi-tasking, prioritising and organising.  On the flip side to this, there can also be a tendency to get stuck in the organisational brain functions and not be able to access other parts of our being which allow us to feel and choose from a place of instinctive knowing.  Connection with our intuitive being allows us to receive abundance, opportunities and joy in life and I have been supporting many people with this ability in the past few weeks.  If any part of this article has touched you, feel free to get in touch and we can talk about a strategy for your unique situation.